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Got a question? Want to book with us? Read the FAQs or fill out the form below.

What can we help you with?

Got a question?

If you haven’t already, make sure to read the FAQs at the bottom of this page. We may have already answered your question! If not, feel free to fill out the form or call/text us at 715-255-0011!

Book our Services

If you’re interested in booking an infusion, make sure you’ve read all of the info on the menu page, we go over a lot of detail there! Then when you’re ready, fill out the form to request a consult.

When will you hear from us

If you are booking with us, or if you’re an existing client of ours, you’ll hear back within 24 hours, Mon-Fri. For other general inquiries expect between 1-3 working days, Mon-Fri.

Where are we located?

We are located in the Statera Health Building in Eau Claire, WI. Our address is 3119 Golf Road Suite 107, Eau Claire, WI 54701

Get in Touch


  • Upon arrival you will be brought back to our IV room. Here you will meet with one of our Registered Nurses to go over a brief medical history and complete your treatment consent. We answer any questions before beginning so you can know what to expect, especially if this will be your first time receiving an IV. We will collect your vitals before your infusion, monitor for adverse reactions during the infusion, and collect a final set of vitals upon completion. Your arm will be prepped in a sterile fashion, and an IV will be placed and secured. Sometimes it may take more than one attempt to start your IV due certain factors that may make it difficult accessing your veins. Some factors that may make it harder to access your veins could be dehydration, previous intravenous drug use, obesity, and loss of skin tone due to aging. Depending on the therapy it can take 30-60 minutes to complete the infusion. Once complete the catheter will be removed and the IV site covered. We will provide you with some paperwork after the therapy is complete and let you begin enjoying the immediate benefits – it’s that simple!

  • Yes, all our products are from an FDA 503B pharmaceutical outsourcing facility and 503A pharmacy providing high-quality nutritional medications across the US.

  • There are very minimal side effects to IV therapy. The majority of side effects are minor and short lived. The potential side effects include bleeding or bruising at the IV site. You may feel cooling sensations in the arm, tasting of the vitamins being infused or changes in the smell or color of your urine after. However, our Registered Nurses are licensed to manage any side effects that may occur.

  • When booking an IV therapy you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire through the booking app. If you have any history of heart failure or kidney disease you will not be able to receive IV therapy. If you are a prenatal patient experiencing nausea/vomiting and wish to receive IV Zofran, an anti-nausea medication, you will need to provide a written approval letter from your OB provider if you’re in the first trimester. If you have any health concerns or are taking certain medications and you have questions about safety you can discuss with our Registered Nurse or schedule a consult with our Medical Provider through our app prior to booking.

  • You may require more than one attempt at starting your IV. There are many reasons a person may have a difficult IV start but some of the most common are a person’s vein anatomy, hydration status, skin elasticity, and weight. If for any reason we are not able to successfully start your IV you will not be charged for any of the service booked. We may advise you to try to rehydrate and come back on a different day.

  • Your first visit to us may take a little longer due to completing any necessary medical health history assessments and forms. Depending on your therapy you can anticipate being in the clinic between 45 to 90 minutes.